Athletic Resources Completes Berkeley Preparatory in Tampa, FL
The Berkeley project consisted of approximately 20,000 square feet of wood sports flooring and 4,000 square feet of rubber athletic flooring. In addition to the wood gym flooring we also installed eight ceiling suspended basketball goals and two divider curtains surrounded by bleachers with a seating capacity of approximately 1,200 people. Berkeley Preparatory is truly one of the premier sporting facilities in the state of Florida. Enjoy the photos below!
Featured Vendors:
- Basketball Goals: Institutional Products Inc.
- Bleachers: Sheridan Seating
- Rubber Flooring: Nortwest Rubber
- Wood Sports Flooring: Aacer Sports Flooring
- Volleyball Equipment: Senoh
- Scoreboards: Fairplay
- Divider Curtains: Institutional Products, Inc.
- Wall Padding: Promats